“The River”

Oh river that flows
the twist the turn
calling me out
I crave I yearn

Polishing stone
as you travel this land
I’ve seen the results
from my collection in hand

Your power’s unmatched
as gravity draws
collecting your sources
one of Nature’s true laws

Eventually your trail
will come to an end
from the water you’ve collected
to the sea you will send

– C. H. Eldridge

“Hudson River near Buttermilk” Lake Luzerne, Northern New York


Ocean waves caress the beach, sending salty sticky mist towards my soul, and I am drawn. The gull swoops down, to retrieve the leftovers of a not so lucky crab, but loses the prize to another. I see the receding tide being absorbed by the darkened sand, as shells, rocks and driftwood trade places in a never-ending back and forth, as the Sun dries and soothes my outer shell, I am drawn.
I lie on the Earth looking to the sky, listening to the ancient song of the sea. Its waters, the same as the tears that flow from my eyes, a connection that can never be broken. A gust of wind sends tiny rocks into my face, abruptly taking me away from my sweet solace.
Knowing in my departure, everything will remain as it is now. The senses are somewhat fulfilled, as I collect the tangible. Walking the warm sand barefoot, taking periodical glances back, the heart and soul longs… because I am drawn.

-C. H. Eldridge

“First Light Flight”

“A Naturalist’s Prayer”

Nature is my solace, I shall always want.
She makes me lay down in lush green meadows.
She leads me beside bubbling brooks.
She takes me on paths of splendor and wonder.
She restores my soul.
Ye, as I walk through the valley in the shadow of a tree,
I will hear no human.
My walking stick and my pack…they comfort me.
She’s prepared a view before me, in the presence of my eyes,
and anoints my head with a cool rejuvenating rain,
til my soul cup runs over.
Surely goodness, character and peace will follow me
all the days of my life, and I will dwell in her open spaces
till we part.

-C. H. Eldridge
