“The Old Barn”

The old barn
what a tale it could tell
the storms it’s weathered
to protect what it held

With board and nail
it grew towards the sky
a proud new monument
that looked down from high

Labor and time…
sweat, blood and tears
it served it’s purpose proudly
throughout the years

Like an old friend
it was trusted and true
and was always there
for your stuff and you

But now you’ve moved on
and your barn remains
the elements and gravity
have swept in to claim

It’s boards and nails
are now warped and rusty
the contents inside
are old and dusty
and the moss-covered foundation
is wet and musty

It leans to the left now
and shutters from the wind
will it stand another Winter
or collapse from within

I hope it will make it
but know it might fall
eventually in Nature
the end comes for all

The old barn
what a tale it could tell
the storms it’s weathered
to protect what it held.

– C. H. Eldridge


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"Bringing the Outdoors In" Explore our World Through the Photographic and Written Works of Adirondack Native– Charles Henry Eldridge

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